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Stek advises shareholders of CAM Bioceramics in sale of majority stake to SHS Capital and ING Corporate Investments

The shareholders of CAM Bioceramics have sold a majority stake to SHS Capital, a German investor specialising in healthcare, and ING Corporate Investments and will remain involved as minority shareholders. Bioceramics, based in Leiden, the Netherlands, is a leading global producer of innovative calcium phosphate solutions for Medtech and LifeScience…

Stek victorious for distribution system operators in changing tariff regulation

Stek has successfully represented the electricity and gas distribution system operators, via their representative organisation Netbeheer Nederland, in appeal before the Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry (CBb) on the tariff regulation for the regulatory period 2022-2026. The method for this tariff regulation is contained in so-called method decisions…

Stek advises Impilo on Decon acquisition

Impilo has acquired a majority stake in Decon Wheel, a developer of high-quality power assisted electrical solutions for manual wheelchairs, from its founders, who will continue as minority owners. In parallel with Impilo’s investment into Decon, Decon will acquire its long-term partner, Mobility Products, in the Netherlands. Stek advised Impilo,…

Stek victorious for Eneco in annulment procedure binding decision Energy Disputes Committee on the allocation of heating costs

Stek has successfully represented Eneco in a procedure to annul a binding decision issued by the Energy Disputes Committee regarding the allocation of heating costs in an apartment complex connected to Eneco’s district heating network. The District Court ruled that Eneco’s methodology is in accordance with (the purpose of) the…

Stek victorious for USG

Stek has successfully represented Utility Support Group (USG) in its appeal against a dispute decision of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (Autoriteit Consument & Markt, ACM), the energy market regulator. USG no longer wishes to manage its 150 kV grid on the Chemelot site and requested TenneT, the…

Stek advises UNITED LEGENDZ and its shareholders with the acquisition by OMDUS

UNITED LEGENDZ (Biltz, Mouton, TBK, IJbouw, Meerbouw), renovation and maintenance specialist from Amsterdam, is being acquired by OMDUS, a group of companies active in property maintenance and sustainability management. OMDUS was created when Caspar de Haan and De Variabele merged in 2022, backed by NPM Capital. With UNITED LEGENDZ as…

Milestone in damages action against Google on behalf of publishers

The European Commission (EC) has sent a Statement of Objections to Google. The EC is concerned that Google may have illegally distorted competition in the online advertising technology industry (“Adtech”). At the current stage of the investigation, the EC believes that Google’s conducts may amount to an abuse of…

Stek represents Global Food Group in the ACM investigation into an alleged purchasing cartel

Stek is representing Global Food Group, an egg product manufacturer, in a sanction procedure initiated by the Authority for Consumers & Markets (the ACM). In 2019, the ACM launched an investigation into several egg product manufacturers over a possible procurement cartel involving eggs. As a consequence, the ACM has levied…

Stek advises SolarWorks! and its lead investors EDP and Persistent on a successful recapitalization

SolarWorks! and its lead investors EDP and Persistent have successfully completed a recapitalization.  The leading off-grid renewable energy businesses in Southern Africa, SolarWorks! is now positioned for faster growth as a broad energy service company in Southern Africa. Stek acted for SolarWorks! Please click here for the…

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